Tuning Into Abundance


In the beginning, before the universe was born, there was only vast emptiness.  

In this empty space, a vibration began.  This vibration is said to be the energy of consciousness needing to understand consciousness.  You might need to read that sentence a couple times! ;)

This subtle vibration became more and more dense until it created form.  And from this vibration, the manifest world began to unfold. This seemingly gross jump from vibration to form can be explained by quantum physics.  Our entire external world is made of vibrating particles in seemingly solid shapes!

The ancient rishis teach us that this unifying vibration, this extremely subtle sound, is the primordial sound Om.  Rama Jyoti Vernon says that Om also means “the word.” As it states in the Bible, John 1.1, “In the beginning was the word.  The word was with God, and the word was God.”

Om is the mystical sound and vibratory frequency of God.  

So if you ever wondered why we begin and end yoga with this mantra, it is because it connects us with the omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient energy of consciousness.

Good stuff!

This vibration pervades every cell of our body and element of our universe.  It is considered the teacher of the ancient teachers and by reflecting and contemplating it’s meaning all obstacles disappear and deep wisdom of the inner self comes forth.   (PYS 1.26, 1.28 & 1.29)

Om is a pretty big deal. Unlimited in time and place, unparalleled in power and knowledge this vibration runs in every cell of our body!  Hell yeh lets connect with this.

When I first learned the sutras on Om, I practiced this potent mantra with each exhale in asana and meditation.  I sang and listened to the word over and over again. I discovered how the vibration ran sensations through my body, my mouth, and my mind.  I explored different tones, volumes, and lengths to see how sensations shifted. I locked my mind on to the contemplation of the sound. I tried several different practices for awhile only to learn that I was over doing it.  Well there is a pattern of mine- check.

This year I have found meditation at the forefront of my self care practices and I LOVE IT.  

Meditation is the simple action of observation.  It is a practice of awareness through your senses.  It is the effortless effort of quieting the mind and connecting with the core of our being- Pure Consciousness. (which vibrates at Om!)

It is a safe and seemingly endless journey into inner space that promises to quickly lead to a strong sense of contentment and sincere trust with what life is offering.

So, now, I just sit and listen.  Om is everywhere than I am already projecting it.  When I quiet my monkey mind I can tap into this creative and transformative energy.   This is the meditation of manifestation and abundance. This is the secret to how we bring our thoughts into form.  The more we tap into this powerful vibration we take the reigns for what shows up in our life. Every thought has a vibration and no vibration is more pure, eternal, and clear as Om.

Tune into presence, push towards the divine sound of creation that is occurring within you at every moment.  You learn to trust that life is happening through you and not to you!

Xo Brit